vibrant pink Oriental Poppy


British garden writer Christopher Lloyd believes that pink can be a tricky colour to incorporate in the garden, depending on whether the particular hue tends toward the red or the blue end of the spectrum. If red, the result will be salmon shades. If blue, the result may be something more "aggressive".

Choose from colour descriptions ranging from soft and delicate to harsh and bright, from rose-pink to lavender- or lilac- , even orchid-pink, from cool blue-pink to hot-pink and every shade in between.

Of course, personal preference will have a lot to do with which pink shades you choose to add to your beds and borders. Whatever the tone, there are many plant partnerships to choose from below that have been tried by the experts and found to be pleasing to the eye. What better recommendation could there be?

* Watch for the animated hummingbird and butterfly with the plants that attract them. *
The deer icon indicates plants that deer are not usually attracted to.

The best time and method to propagate plants can be found on our image-intensive PROPAGATION page.

To help your plants grow their best, check out our FERTILIZATION page.

To create your own plant partnerships based on tried and true color theory, check out our GARDEN COLOR page.

To see if a particular plant is on this page press Ctrl+F, type in the name, then click the Find button.


Commonly called Campion or Catchfly, this self-seeding perennial for sun or light shade is available in a variety of colours, including orange, red, rose-pink and white. Foliage is usually a silvery-gray which helps to tone down the effects of some of the brighter-coloured forms.

Lychnis coronaria 'Angel Blush':  delicate soft pink and white

    Lychnis 'Angel Blush' - Rose Campion
    echo with:  bright pink Phlox amoena or Spiraea japonica 'Alpina'
      echo with:  Lythrum salicaria (magenta)
        echo with:  Rosa 'Cardinal de Richelieu' (deep pink old-fashioned) or 'William Lobb', or English Rosa 'Othello'
      Lychnis flos-jovis 'Hort's Variety':  dark rose colour
        edger in front of:  Paeonia 'Mahogany' (crimson single)
      Lychnis viscaria:  German Catchfly
        Lychnis viscaria - German Catchfly'
        seen above with:  a purple short-spurred Aquilegia
      If you want to add more of this genus to your collection, explore the information and ideas at the links below.

    • orange Lychnis
    • red Lychnis
    • Lychnis with silver foliage
    • white Lychnis


      Few gardeners grow Purple Loosestrife these days, having heeded the warnings about how quickly they can take over wetland areas and crowd out valuable plant forms. If you continue to grow them, keep them deadheaded so seeds cannot form and contribute to their invasive spread beyond the bounds of your gardens.

      Lythrum:  Loosestrife

        combined with:  Achillea x 'Coronation Gold', Lavandula, Lilium, Nepeta x faassenii, Salvia & Veronica
          combined with:  Lilium martagon (lemon-yellow), Gypsophila paniculata & Stachys byzantina
        Lythrum salicaria 'Firecandle':  rose-pink
          beside:  Helenium 'Gold Fox'
        Lythrum salicaria 'Morden Pink'
          with:  Iris, Paeonia, Phlox paniculata, Hemerocallis, Heliopsis, Veronica 'Sunny Border Blue'
            with:  Papaver, Ornamental Grasses
              in shadier spots with:  Hosta, Astilbe. Iris sibirica
                combined with:   Hemerocallis 'Perennial Pleasure' & Hemerocallis 'Prairie Blue Eyes'


              The blooms of Mallow look like dainty saucer-shaped hollyhock flowers. Best in full sun, this short-lived perennial will often self-seed. Colour choices are usually pink and white.

              Malva alcea:  Hollyhock Mallow, pink

                Malva alcea - Hollyhock Mallow
                with:  Phlox paniculata, Achillea, Liatris, Artemisia, Artemisia versicolor
                  with:  garden mums (now called Dendranthema)
                    behind:  Dianthus
                  Malva alcea 'Fastigiata':  Hollyhock Mallow, rose-pink, 3-4'
                    with:  Coreopsis verticillata 'Moonbeam'
                  Malva moschata:  Musk Mallow, pink
                    with:  antique Rosa
                      with:  Dianthus caesius (D. gratianopolitanus) or Dianthus plumarius
                        echo behind:  Stachys byzantina
                      Malva moschata 'Rosea':  Pink Musk Mallow
                        echo behind:  Stachys byzantina
                      Malva sylvestris 'Zebrina':  purple-striped pink or white petals
                        with:  Pennisetum setaceum 'Rubrum'
                      For another choice, and partnership ideas, follow the link below.

                    • white Malva

                    • MONARDA

                      Bee Balm has fragrant foliage and somewhat shaggy-looking two-lipped flowers which are appealing to hummingbirds. Give them full sun to very light shade in moist soil and they will reward you with a long bloom period, which can be made even longer by regular dead-heading.

                      Monarda:  pink cultivars

                      Monarda didyma 'Croftway Pink':  pink Monarda didyma 'Marshall's Delight':  bright and showy hot-pink There are so many choices in this genus, many available through the following links. Check out the additional information you may need to grow them well.

                    • numerous Bee Balms
                    • blue Bee Balms
                    • red Bee Balms
                    • white Bee Balms

                    • OENOTHERA

                      Sundrops - the name alone can strike fear in the hearts of many a gardener, familiar with their fast-spreading habit. If you still want this plant in your garden in spite of its reputation, try the pink forms below.

                      Oenothera speciosa:  pink

                        Oenothera speciosa - Showy Evening Primrose
                        to intertwine with:  the equally aggressive Cerastium tomentosum
                          with:  Nepeta x faassenii, Iris
                        Oenothera speciosa 'Rosea':  Showy Sundrops
                          with:  Lavandula, Salvia, Nepeta x faassenii
                        Try the links below for more Sundrops and information on the care they require.

                      • Sundrops as edgers
                      • yellow Sundrops

                      • PAEONIA

                        The Peony is a long-lived perennial, available in nearly every colour imaginable. The foliage is nearly as attractive as the flowers that appear in spring and deserves to take centre stage once the bloom is over. Be kind to your peonies and make sure you remove spent flowers - even removing those in full bloom for arrangements in your home if heavy rain is predicted, since the weight of the water on the heavy clusters will pull them to the ground anyway.

                        Paeonia lactiflora:  pink

                          Paeonia - pink Peony
                          echo with:  Kolkwitzia amabilis
                            in front of:  Anchusa azurea (Anchusa italica), Eremurus (white)
                              with:  Geranium 'Johnson's Blue'
                                with:  Geranium sanguineum 'Album', Salvia 'Miss Indigo' (an intense violet-blue only marginally hardy)
                                  in front of:  Thalictrum aquilegifolium (3 white)
                                    behind:  Geranium spp. (white forms), Geranium striatum (pink)
                                      beside:  Iris sibirica (blue, white or violet)
                                        near:  Hemerocallis & Echinacea purpurea
                                          with:  Filipendula hexapetalus
                                            with other perennials in front of:  Rosa rubrifolia (a shrub whose foliage has washes of purple, blue & gray)
                                              with other perennials in front of:  Rosa rugosa 'Jens Munk' (double pink)
                                            Paeonia lactiflora:  pale pink
                                              with:  Achillea 'Moonshine'
                                            Paeonia 'M. Jules Elie':  pink
                                              offset in front of:  Thalictrum aquilegifolium
                                            Paeonia suffruticosa 'Muramatsu Sakura':  very large, double pink
                                              synonym:  'Village of Cherry Pine'
                                                behind:  violet Iris sibirica 'Ruffled Velvet'
                                              Have a look at additional choices you might want to consider adding to your garden by following the links below.

                                            • red Peony forms
                                            • white Peony forms
                                            • yellow Peony forms

                                            • PAPAVER

                                              Everyone is familiar with the papery petals of plants in the Poppy family. Whether you like the early-blooming Oriental Poppies or the later-blooming Opium Poppies you can't go too far wrong.

                                              Papaver orientale:  coral-pink

                                                Papaver orientale - coral-pink Oriental Poppy Iris x germanica 'Beverly Sills' - 'Beverly Sills' Bearded Iris
                                                this lovely light-coloured form is a colour echo of the gorgeous co-blooming Iris x germanica 'Beverly Sills' on its right
                                                  seen near one another from a distance these two seem to shout out "Look at us. Look at us."

                                                Papaver orientale:  salmon-pink

                                                  Papaver orientale - pink Oriental Poppy
                                                  this lovely form can be seen in the border around this page and in the image at the top
                                                    generally with:  gray-leaved plants
                                                      behind:  silvery Artemisia
                                                        with:  Artemisia 'Lambrook Silver', Stachys byzantina
                                                      Papaver orientale 'Degas':  salmon-pink with dark veins, 24"+
                                                        with:  Iris sibirica 'Ruffled Velvet', deep blue perennial Salvia
                                                      Lots of colour forms of Poppy are available in a variety of species and cultivars. Check out the links below.

                                                    • orange Poppies
                                                    • red Poppies
                                                    • Poppies with silver foliage

                                                    • PENSTEMON

                                                      Beard-tongue and Penstemon are both common names for this sun-loving perennial. Most forms prefer well-drained soil and as a group these perennials should be in more common usage than is currently the case, as there are many lovely forms available in a variety of colours.

                                                      Propagation by division is easy, although starting from seed is another method to try. For instructions on starting dozens of species within this genus from seed follow the link to Tom Clothier's Seed Germination Methodology page.

                                                      Penstemon barbatus 'Elfin Pink':  clear pink, 12-18"

                                                        with:  Penstemon barbatus 'Prairie Dusk'
                                                      Penstemon digitalis 'Husker Red':  maroon-red foliage, pale pink flowers
                                                        Penstemon digitalis 'Husker Red' - Beard-tongue
                                                        the white flowers and red stems of this cultivar are seen above with:  a purple Digitalis
                                                          what:  University of Nebraska selection, 1996 PPA Perennial Plant of the Year
                                                            where:  mass-planted
                                                              with:  Geranium, Tradescantia, Achillea, Oenothera, Stachys, Yucca, Ornamental Grasses
                                                                combined with:  Salvia 'May Night' & Coreopsis verticillata 'Moonbeam' in front of Iris sibirica
                                                              There is more information to be found about this genus at the link below.

                                                            • Beard-Tongue to attract Hummingbirds

                                                            • PERSICARIA

                                                              You may know this creeping plant as Snakeweed or Knotweed. It was once known botanically as Polygonum. It produces showy spikes of pink petal-less flowers over semi-evergreen foliage in either sun or partial shade.

                                                              Persicaria affinis 'Border Jewel':  Knotweed, Snakeweed, Himalayan Fleeceflower

                                                                Persicaria affinis 'Border Jewel' - 'Border Jewel' Knotweed, Fleeceflower
                                                                formerly called:  Polygonum affine 'Border Jewel'
                                                                  uses:  excellent ground cover, good for garden edges
                                                                    starts out pale pink as above, deeping through many shades toward rust red over a long bloom period
                                                                  Persicaria bistorta:  Snakeweed
                                                                    with:  Iris, Astilbe, Hosta, ferns, Ornamental Grasses


                                                                  There are many phlox forms, from tall to ground-hugging edgers, from sun-lovers to shade-dwellers, from spring to mid-summer bloomers - whatever you choose will provide you with masses of five-petalled flowers in a wealth of colours and tones. If the colour pink is your preference, try any of the forms listed below.

                                                                  Phlox paniculata:  rose-coloured forms

                                                                    with:  Delphinium grandiflorum 'Blue Butterfly', 'Blue Elf' or 'Blue Mirror' & Monarda (pink)
                                                                  Phlox subulata:  pink forms Phlox subulata 'Rosette':  compact, rose-pink Phlox subulata 'Scarlet Flame':  bright pink
                                                                    with:  pink-white Tulipa 'New Design' with white-edged foliage
                                                                      the two above plants in front:  co-blooming Cornus florida
                                                                        the above three plants near:   a white-striped Yucca
                                                                      My Phlox plants have been in my gardens for many years and to be honest I'm longing for some newer, more exciting forms. I may resort to checking out some of the ideas at the links below myself to plan my shopping list for next year.

                                                                    • numerous Phlox forms
                                                                    • Phlox as edgers
                                                                    • blue-flowered Phlox
                                                                    • orange-flowered Phlox
                                                                    • red-flowered Phlox
                                                                    • Phlox for shade
                                                                    • white-flowered Phlox
                                                                    • variegated-foliage Phlox

                                                                    • PHYSOSTEGIA

                                                                      Obedient Plant is a great choice for late summer bloom. And if you have the time to move any of its florets to a new position, that's where they will stay -hence the name.

                                                                      Physostegia virginiana 'Pink Bouquet' or 'Rose Bouquet'

                                                                        Physostegia virginiana - pink Obedient Plant
                                                                        generally with:  late-summer perennials
                                                                          with:  Boltonia asteroides, Phlox paniculata, Thalictrum, Eupatorium, Solidago, Helianthus, Ornamental Grasses
                                                                        Physostegia virginiana 'Variegata':  rose-pink; dark green foliage with creamy margins
                                                                          in front of:  Miscanthus sinensis 'Silberfeder' & Aronia (shrub turns brilliant red in fall)
                                                                        Physostegia virginiana 'Vivid':  24-36", brilliant pink
                                                                          with:  Boltonia asteroides 'Snowbank'
                                                                        Pink is not the only form of Obedient Plant available. For a different look why not try the white form with the companions recommended to plant with it at the link below.

                                                                      • white Obedient Plant

                                                                      • PLATYCODON

                                                                        Free-flowering Balloon Flower is one of the best summer perennials, with blue-green, glossy foliage. Always handle carefully as its long, fleshy roots can be damaged easily. It can be planted in spring or early fall. Be sure to add lots of organic matter at planting time so plants will be content in their position for many years.

                                                                        Balloon Flower can be propagated by seed. Either sow in fall into pots in a protected location outdoors OR sow indoors in winter. Germinate at 60-70 deg. F. Seedlings may take 2 years to bloom. Plants may even self sow in your beds. When this happens it is easy to move a seedling elsewhere to avoid having to divide an established plant with the risks inherent in that process.

                                                                        Unfortunately, to my mind at least, the pink of these Balloon Flower forms is very pale. I'd much prefer a rich, robust pink hue myself. If you know of one, I'd love to hear about it.

                                                                        Platycodon grandiflorus 'Astra Pink':  light pink, 8-10"x6-8"

                                                                          uses:  cut flowers, containers, borders
                                                                            with: Gypsophila paniculata, Lavandula angustifolia, Dianthus, Leucanthemum superbum
                                                                          Platycodon grandiflorus 'Fuji Pink':  a seed strain, 2-3' tall, pure pink flowers, silvery-green foliage
                                                                            with:  Gypsophila paniculata, Lavandula angustifolia, Phlox paniculata, Dianthus deltoides
                                                                          Platycodon grandiflorus 'Shell Pink':  pale pink flowers, 24"x18-24"
                                                                            bloom time:  late May to August
                                                                              behind:  Cerastium tomentosum

                                                                            If the above forms aren't enough and you're wanting to know more, try the following links.

                                                                          • blue Balloon Flower forms
                                                                          • purple Balloon Flower forms
                                                                          • the "special" Balloon Flower
                                                                          • white Balloon Flower forms

                                                                          • POLYGONUM

                                                                            Kiss Me Over The Garden Gate adds a touch of the exotic to the late summer garden. Able to reach as high as 8 feet, this self-seeding annual also known as Prince's Feather has olive green leaves and graceful, arching sprays of bright flowers, usually pink, rose or deep ruby-coloured.

                                                                            Polygonum orientale:  Kiss Me Over The Garden Gate

                                                                              Polygonum orientale - pink Kiss Me Over the Garden Gate
                                                                              with:  Dianthus barbatus (Sweet William), pansies, Gypsophila paniculata
                                                                                for bright contrast among:  soft yellow or cream-coloured Calendula or Delphinium


                                                                              A wonderful choice for shaded areas in the garden, Lungwort will provide interest in every season - from the spring flowers to the season-long attractive appearance of its variegated foliage.

                                                                              Pulmonaria saccharata 'Mrs. Moon':  pink-blue Bethlehem Sage, 12"

                                                                                where:  shady sites
                                                                                  under:  Dicentra, spring bulbs i.e. Narcissus, flowering trees & shrubs
                                                                                    with:  ferns, white Tulipa, Muscari, Lychnis coronaria 'Alba', Helleborus, Anemone;
                                                                                      combined with:  Primula vulgaris & white Narcissus 'Thalia'
                                                                                    For more information about growing Pulmonaria, and ideas for the perfect partners to plant with it, follow the link below.

                                                                                  • Pulmonarias for shade
                                                                                  • Pulmonarias with silver foliage
                                                                                  • Pulmonarias with variegated foliage

                                                                                  • SAPONARIA

                                                                                    Soapwort is a useful perennial for sun to very light shade where it will quickly cover a sizeable area of ground and cover itself with masses of small flowers starting in mid-spring. Plant it in rich, moist, humusy soil for best performance.

                                                                                    Saponaria ocymoides:  Rock Soapwort

                                                                                      where:  along walks, edging beds, front border position, rock gardens
                                                                                        with:  Artemisia, Achillea, Hemerocallis, Veronica spp, Sedum, Coreopsis verticillata 'Moonbeam'


                                                                                      Pincushion Flower with its rounded flower heads and prominent stamens does indeed look like a pincushion. It prefers neutral to slightly alkaline soil and blooms over a long period if kept deadheaded.

                                                                                      Scabiosa columbaria 'Pink Mist':  lavender-pink

                                                                                        with:  Scabiosa 'Butterfly Blue', Lavandula, Festuca 'Elijah Blue'
                                                                                          with:  Geranium cinereum 'Ballerina' or 'Laurence Flatman'
                                                                                            near:  mauve creeping thyme, Viola labridorica, Saxifraga (white) & a small version of Saxifraga 'London Pride'
                                                                                              in front of:  Thalictrum 'Thundercloud'
                                                                                            Pincushion Flower in various colours would make a nice addition to any garden. For instructions on growing this perennial and partnership ideas as well, try the links below.

                                                                                          • white Scabiosa
                                                                                          • yellow Scabiosa

                                                                                          • SIDALCEA

                                                                                            Checker Mallow has long been one of my favourite perennials, with its hollyhock-like small flowers. Happy in full sun and well-drained soil, it often seeds around the mother plant, but never invasively. This is one you'll be delighted to have extras of in your own garden or to provide to friends.

                                                                                            Sidalcea malviflora 'Mr. Lindbergh':  rosy-pink

                                                                                              Sidalcea 'Mr. Lindbergh' - pink Checkerbloom
                                                                                              with:  Eryngium, blue Campanula, Achillea, Gypsophila paniculata, Echinacea purpurea, Ornamental Grasses
                                                                                                amid:  silvery foliage plants
                                                                                              Sidalcea malviflora 'Party Girl':  bright pink, 42"
                                                                                                with:  Perovskia atriplicifolia, white Phlox paniculata, pink Oenothera


                                                                                              There are many forms of this plant, commonly known as Campion or Catchfly, both annuals and perennials. Strangely enough, I haven't found many references providing suitable companions for this group.

                                                                                              Silene schafta:  Moss Campion, Catchfly, Schafta Pink, rose-pink

                                                                                                where:  edger, rock gardens, spilling over rocks
                                                                                                  with:  other low perennials, small Ornamental Grasses


                                                                                                The foliage of Meadow Rue is usually blue-green and lobed. Flowers vary from one form to another but are always attractive. Give them full sun as long as moisture is adequate, otherwise a bit of shade is appreciated.

                                                                                                Thalictrum aquilegifolium:  lilac-pink

                                                                                                  Thalictrum aquilegifolium - Meadow Rue
                                                                                                  at base of:  Acer palmatum (a dark-red-leaved form) for striking contrast
                                                                                                Perhaps you would like a white effect somewhere in your garden. If so, you might be interested in checking out the following link.

                                                                                              • white Meadow Rue

                                                                                              • THYMUS

                                                                                                Whether grown for use as herbs in cooking, draping over a rock edge at the front of a garden, as a perennial groundcover or simply for the scent, Thyme will surely please in its many forms including the pink-flowered ones below.

                                                                                                Thymus doerfleri 'Bressingham':  greyish carpeting plant, pink flowers

                                                                                                  where:  as groundcover, edger, walls
                                                                                                Thymus 'Moonlight':  light pink
                                                                                                  possible synonyms:  Thymus leucotrichus or Thymus nitidus
                                                                                                    where:  in rock gardens, as edger
                                                                                                  Many more choices can be found below.

                                                                                                • Thyme as edgers
                                                                                                • Thyme with silver foliage
                                                                                                • Thyme with variegated foliage

                                                                                                • TRADESCANTIA

                                                                                                  Spiderwort, occasionally referred to as Widow's Tears, with its saucer-shaped, three-petalled flowers, is happiest in at least a bit of shade. Dead-heading will promote continued bloom. Cut the entire plant back when it begins to look bedraggled to force new foliage to grow up that will provide a fresh new appearance.

                                                                                                  Tradescantia:  an unnamed small-flowered magenta-coloured form

                                                                                                    Tradescantia - magenta  Spiderwort
                                                                                                    the colour magenta seems to be experiencing a resurgence in today's gardens, in blooms such as the one above
                                                                                                  Tradescantia x andersoniana 'Pauline':  orchid-pink
                                                                                                    with:  Tradescantia x andersoniana 'Red Cloud'
                                                                                                  This perennial will grow well almost anywhere you put it. And the various colour choices make it easy to fit into almost any situation as well as to find suitable partner plants to put with it. Try some of the ideas that follow.

                                                                                                • red Spiderwort
                                                                                                • white Spiderwort

                                                                                                • VERBENA

                                                                                                  There are a number of Verbena forms, some better known than others, and in a variety of colours. Some are tender. Others like the one below are fully hardy. Shear plants back after the first flush to encourage new bloom. Most like hot and dry locations.

                                                                                                  Verbena canadensis:  Rose Verbena, rose-pink, 18-36", Zone 4

                                                                                                    generally:  to tie mixed plantings together, as "weavers" among foliage plants, between flowering perennials,
                                                                                                      front of border position
                                                                                                    among:  Yucca, Artemisia, Verbascum, Ornamental Grasses
                                                                                                      with:  Echinacea, Rudbeckia, Asclepias tuberosa, Achillea
                                                                                                    See what additional choices are available by following the link below.

                                                                                                  • numerous Verbenas

                                                                                                  • VERONICA

                                                                                                    There is surely something for everyone in this large group of perennials commonly called Speedwell. The pink forms below are only a few of this versatile family of plants.

                                                                                                    Veronica dabneyi:  Pink Speedwell, pale pink, 6"x12"

                                                                                                      where:  rock gardens, edger
                                                                                                    Veronica pectinata 'Rosea':  rose-pink with a pink "bird's eye", soft gray-green foliage
                                                                                                      with:  pale yellow dwarf Iris x germanica, Iberis, Aurinia
                                                                                                        over:  late red Tulipa
                                                                                                      Veronica spicata 'Red Fox':  Spike Speedwell, deep rose-pink, compact
                                                                                                        Veronica spicata probably 'Red Fox' - Spike Speedwell
                                                                                                        generally with:  rounded plants
                                                                                                          with:  Veronica longifolia 'Icicle' or Veronica spicata 'Blue Spires'
                                                                                                            with:  Coreopsis, Asclepias tuberosa, Achillea, Geranium, Hemerocallis, Ornamental Grasses
                                                                                                              in front of:  (double white) Chrysanthemum x superbum & Delphinium 'Summer Skies'
                                                                                                                beside:  Gypsophila paniculata 'Rosy Veil' (pale pink)
                                                                                                              Veronica 'Heidikind':  deeper pink that 'Minuet'
                                                                                                                echo with:  edging for gallica Rosa 'Rosa Mundi' (a fragrant antique with petals striped crimson, pink & white)
                                                                                                              I would probably choose the Veronicas as my favourite perennials of all time. Perhaps because I love the colour purple and so many of them are various shades in the purple range. But there is something charming about the plants themselves, from the tiniest ground huggers to the tall and stately forms. And many of them will keep producing repeat blooms if you spend the time dead-heading them carefully to promote new buds. If you don't have any in your garden yet, why not consider any of those that follow.

                                                                                                            • Veronicas as edgers
                                                                                                            • purple Veronicas
                                                                                                            • red Veronicas
                                                                                                            • Veronicas with silver foliage
                                                                                                            • white Veronicas

                                                                                                            • TO RETURN TO THE FIRST PAGE OF PINK PERENNIALS & THEIR COMPANIONS, FOLLOW THE LINK BELOW.

                                                                                                              All of our own Gardens By The Bay pages can be accessed by clicking on the links below.


                                                                                                              GARDEN POETRY  |  GARDEN POETRY MUSE

                                                                                                              GEORGIAN BAY VIEW

                                                                                                              BOTANICAL LATIN - BASICS

                                                                                                              COLOR THEORY

                                                                                                              THE GARDENS

                                                                                                              CORNER GARDEN CONSTRUCTION  |  CORNER GARDEN PLANTING  |  LONG GARDEN

                                                                                                              EAST GARDEN  |  HOSTA GARDEN  |  NORTH GARDEN  |  WINTER GARDENS

                                                                                                              PLANT PARTNERSHIPS

                                                                                                              BLUE PERENNIALS    Aconitum - Geranium  |  Iris - Vinca

                                                                                                              BULBS    Allium - Hyacinthus  |  Narcissus only  |  Tulipa only  |  Minor Bulbs

                                                                                                              BUTTERFLY MAGNETS    Anaphalis - Hemerocallis  |  Liatris - Veronicastrum
                                                                                                              DAYLILIES      Spider & Unusual Form

                                                                                                              EDGERS    Arabis - Iris  |  Nepeta - Veronica

                                                                                                              FOLIAGE PERENNIALS     Alchemilla - Tanacetum

                                                                                                              HOSTA    Hosta - all

                                                                                                              HUMMINGBIRD-FRIENDLY PERENNIALS    Alcea - Salvia

                                                                                                              ORANGE PERENNIALS    Achillea - Tulipa

                                                                                                              ORNAMENTAL GRASSES    Acorus - Imperata |  Miscanthus - Spodiopogon

                                                                                                              PINK PERENNIALS    Achillea - Lilium  |  Lychnis - Veronica

                                                                                                              PURPLE PERENNIALS    Aconitum - Liatris  |  Polemonium - Veronica

                                                                                                              RED PERENNIALS    Achillea - Veronica

                                                                                                              SHADE PERENNIALS    Aegopodium - Erythronium  |  Ferns - Polemonium  |  Polygonatum - Vinca

                                                                                                              SILVER FOLIAGE PERENNIALS    Achillea - Cerastium    |    Cornus - Limonium    |    Lunaria - Veronica

                                                                                                              SIMPLY SPECIAL PERENNIALS    Acanthus - Saxifraga

                                                                                                              WHITE PERENNIALS    Achillea - Iris  |  Kalimeris - Yucca

                                                                                                              YELLOW PERENNIALS    Achillea - Hypericum  |  Inula - Verbascum

                                                                                                              VARIEGATED-FOLIAGE PERENNIALS    Acorus - Erythronium  |  Hakonechloa - Lysimachia  |  Miscanthus - Yucca

                                                                                                              PLANT PROFILES

                                                                                                              Dianthus 'Tiny Rubies'  |  Geranium  |  Geum coccineum  |  Kerria japonica  |  Knautia macedonica

                                                                                                              Paeonia tenuifolia  |  Papaver somniferum  |  Rudbeckia  |  Salvia 'East Friesland'

                                                                                                              Trollius  |  Veronica 'Sunny Border Blue'


                                                                                                              DIVISION - SPRING ONLY  |   DIVISION - FALL ONLY  |   DIVISION - SPRING OR FALL  |   DO NOT DIVIDE


                                                                                                              BULBS  |   ORNAMENTAL GRASSES  |   PERENNIALS  |   SHRUBS  |   VINES


                                                                                                              GARDENS  |   LOCAL GARDENS  |   BOTANICAL TERMINOLOGY

                                                                                                              GARDENING BOOKS  |   NON-GARDENING
