When we find a plant we like, we eventually want more of it. And propagation of our own perennials is the best way to produce as many as we like.
There are many methods to propagate our plants, division being one of the easiest and surest ways to obtain a plant identical to the original. This page contains alphabetical lists of plants that prefer division at a particular time or not at all. Use the following quick links to jump to each section:
This page is very image intensive, but has plenty of information to check out while waiting for images to load. Photographs of many of the plants may introduce you to some you're not familiar with but may want to try. Underlined plant names provide links to other pages on our site, with more information about how to grow a plant well, find perfect partners to plant nearby or other colours in which it might be available.
Alternative methods of propagation are also provided. Sources from which this information was obtained do not always agree on some points. If there are discrepancies, this may be the reason.
To help your plants grow their best, check out our FERTILIZATION page.
To create your own plant partnerships based on tried and true color theory, check out our GARDEN COLOR page.
To see if a particular plant is on this page press Ctrl+F, type in the name, then click the Find button.
By the time spring arrives, most of us are anxious to get to work in our gardens and implement the plans we made last year or over the winter months. We've tidied up dead foliage and are now ready to divide our perennials. Those in the list below prefer to be divided in spring, those with a asterisk actually requiring very early spring division. You may have to be careful not to step on tiny seedlings that have popped up here and there, and you certainly don't want to lop the top off your daffodils and tulips as you work in the garden, but spring is a wonderful time to replant new divisions.
Alchemilla mollis: Lady's Mantle

other methods of propagation:
- sow fresh seeds outdoors in summer
- plants may self-sow
Anchusa: Bugloss
other methods of propagation:
- take root cuttings in early spring
- will sometimes self-sow; if so, move seedlings where desired
Anemone hupehensis: Chinese Anemone

other methods of propagation:
- take root cuttings while plants are dormant
Anthemis tinctoria: Golden Marguerite

other methods of propagation:
- take stem cuttings in spring or early summer
- plants will self-sow
Arisaema triphyllum: Jack-in-the-Pulpit

other methods of propagation:
- sow clean fresh seeds outdoors in fall
Asarum: Wild Ginger
other methods of propagation:
- sow fresh seeds indoors or outdoors in summer
- may self-sow
Asarum europaeum: European Wild Ginger

other methods of propagation:
- sow fresh seeds indoors or outdoors in summer
- may self-sow if you're lucky - you'll want lots of this beauty
Asclepias tuberosa: Butterfly Weed
other methods of propagation:
- take tip cuttings in late spring or early summer
- sow fresh seeds outdoors in fall
Aster alpinus (early summer): Alpine Aster
other methods of propagation:
- take stem cuttings in late spring or early summer
- sow seeds outdoors in fall
- sow seeds indoors in winter, stratify for 4-6 weeks
Astilbe: Astilbe, False Spirea

other methods of propagation:
- sow seeds in autumn (species only)
Astrantia major: Masterwort

other methods of propagation:
- sow fresh seeds as soon as available
Baptisia australis (early spring): Blue False Indigo

other methods of propagation:
- sow fresh seeds outdoors or indoors in summer, after soaking them overnight in hot water for faster germination
Bellis perennis: English Daisy
other methods of propagation:
- sow seeds in early summer
Campanula carpatica: Carpathian Harebell, * early spring

other methods of propagation:
- take tip cuttings in early summer
- sow fresh seeds indoors, leaving uncovered as light will assist germination
Campanula poscharskyana: Serbian Bellflower
other methods of propagation:
Carex glauca: Blue Sedge
Cephalaria tatarica: Giant Scabious

other methods of propagation:
Cerastium tomentosum: Snow-in-Summer

other methods of propagation:
- take tip cuttings in summer
Chrysanthemum coccineum: Painted Daisy, Pyrethrum

other methods of propagation:
- sow seeds in late winter or early spring
Chrysanthemum x superbum: Shasta Daisy

other methods of propagation:
- seed (species only)
- cuttings
Chrysogonum virginianum: Golden Star

other methods of propagation:
Delphinium: Delphinium

other methods of propagation:
- sow fresh seeds outdoors in summer or fall
- take stem cuttings in early spring
Deschampsia cespitosa 'Northern Lights': Tufted Hair Grass, Fairy Wand Grass
Dodecatheon meadia: Shooting Star

other methods of propagation:
- take root cuttings in summer or fall
- sow fresh seeds outdoors in summer
Echinacea purpurea: Purple Coneflower
Note: several sources do not recommend division - such plants become bushy and flower less
other methods of propagation:
- take root cuttings in fall
- sow seeds outdoors in fall
- sow seeds indoors in winter, stratify for 4-6 weeks
Erigeron speciosus: Fleabane

Note: division should be done in late spring, every 2-3 years
other methods of propagation:
- take tip cuttings in early summer
- sow seeds indoors in winter
Eriophyllum lanatum: Woolly Sunflower
other methods of propagation:
Eryngium: Sea Holly

other methods of propagation:
- sow fresh seeds outdoors in fall
- sow seeds indoors in winter, stratify for 4-6 weeks
- take root cuttings in winter
Festuca ovina: Blue Fescue
other methods of propagation:
- self-sown seedlings will appear about the garden
Fritillaria imperialis: Crown Imperial Fritillary

produces abundant offsets; lift & divide every 2-3 years, or when flowering declines, immediately after foliage has ripened
Fritillaria meleagris: Checkered Lily, Guinea-Hen Flower, Snake's Head
Gaillardia: Blanket Flower, * very early spring i.e. March

other methods of propagation:
- sow seeds outdoors in fall
- sow seeds indoors in winter, stratify for 4 weeks
Geranium sanguineum: Blood-Red Cranesbill, Bloody Cranesbill

other methods of propagation:
- sow seeds in spring
- take cuttings in summer
Hosta: Hosta, Plantain Lily, Funkia
other methods of propagation:
- seed: unreliable as even species will not come true
- seed: fun, in spite of what's written just above
Iris danfordiae: Danford Iris
Iris reticulata: Reticulated Iris
Jasione perennis: Shepherd's Bit
other methods of propagation:
Kniphofia: Red-Hot Poker, Torch Lily

Note: divide by removing a crown from the edge of the main clump
other methods of propagation:
- sow seeds indoors (species only) in winter, stratify for 6 weeks
Lamium maculatum: Spotted Lamium, Spotted Dead Nettle

other methods of propagation:
- take tip cuttings in spring or summer
Lobelia siphilitica: Great Blue Lobelia

other methods of propagation:
- sow seeds in spring or fall
- may self-sow a bit if you're lucky
Narcissus: Narcissus, Daffodil, Jonquil
Nepeta x faassenii: Catmint

other methods of propagation:
- species forms may be seed-started
- take tip cuttings in early summer
Oenothera speciosa: Showy Evening Primrose

other methods of propagation:
- sow seeds in spring or fall
- take softwood cuttings in late spring
Ornithogalum umbellatum: Star of Bethlehem

other methods of propagation:
Pachysandra: Japanese Spurge
Papaver nudicaule: Iceland Poppy
other methods of propagation:
- sow seeds in spring or fall
- may self-seed
Papaver orientale: Oriental Poppy
other methods of propagation:
- sow seeds in spring or fall
- may self-seed
Patrinia scabiosifolia: Patrinia
other methods of propagation:
- sow fresh seeds outdoors in fall
Penstemon: Beardtongue

other methods of propagation:
- sow seeds of species forms only in spring or fall
- take cuttings of non-flowering shoots in late summer
Phuopsis styosa: Crosswort, Russian Pincushion
other methods of propagation:
- take semi-ripe cuttings in summer
- sow seeds in autumn
Physostegia virginiana: Obedient Plant

other methods of propagation:
- sow seeds
- will self-sow
- take small basal cuttings
Primula (after flowering): Primrose

other methods of propagation:
- sow fresh seeds outdoors in fall
- sow seeds indoors in early spring
- take root cuttings
Sanguinaria canadensis: Bloodroot

other methods of propagation:
Saxifraga: Saxifrage, Rockfoil

other methods of propagation:
Scabiosa caucasica: Pincushion Flower

Note: divide only when they become overcrowded
other methods of propagation:
- sow fresh seeds outdoors in fall
- direct sow in spring or summer
- sow seeds indoors in late winter
- take cuttings in summer
Scabiosa columbaria 'Pink Mist': Pincushion Flower
Note: divide only when they become overcrowded
other methods of propagation:
- sow fresh seeds outdoors in fall
- direct sow in spring or summer
- take cuttings in summer
Sedum sieboldii (mid-summer): October Daphne
Note: according to "Perennials for Ontario" by Alison Beck and Kathy Renwald, the seed you buy may be a mix of different species. They add "you might not get what you hoped for or expected, but you can just as easily be pleasantly surprised".
other methods of propagation:
- sow seeds indoors in early spring
Sidalcea malviflora: Checkerbloom
x Solidaster luteus: Solidaster
Tanacetum vulgare: Common Tansy
other methods of propagation:
- sow seed in late winter or early spring
Teucrium: Germander
other methods of propagation:
Thalictrum aquilegiafolium: Meadow Rue

other methods of propagation:
- sow seed, when fresh, in autumn
Tricyrtis hirta: Toad Lily
other methods of propagation:
Trifolium incarnatum: Red Clover
other methods of propagation:
- sow seeds in autumn
- self-sows readily
Veronica pectinata: Woolly Speedwell, Combleaf Speedwell
other methods of propagation:
- sow seeds in autumn or spring
- take cuttings in summer
Veronica prostrata: Creeping Speedwell
other methods of propagation:
- sow seeds in autumn or spring
- take cuttings in summer
Veronica whitleyi: Whitley's Speedwell

other methods of propagation:
- sow seeds in autumn or spring
- take cuttings in summer
Yucca filamentosa: Yucca, Adam's-Needle, Spanish Bayonet
Note: divide offsets only
other methods of propagation:
- take root cuttings in spring
Fall may be an even better time to propagate your plants by division than spring. You don't have to worry about stepping on seedlings or damaging the flowers of bulbs or their foliage. The sun is not so hot, the soil is still warm and plants have a long period of time to become established with cooler temperatures and fall rains. Nearby plants are still lush and full and you know exactly how much room is available in which to replant your divisions without crowding anything nearby. Make sure you know where your spring bulbs are located so you don't inadvertently dig into them. And the plants in the list below actually prefer division in the fall. Those marked with an asterisk are best divided in late summer.
Acanthus mollis: Bear's Breech
other methods of propagation:
- root cuttings in spring or late fall
Amsonia: Blue Star
other methods of propagation:
- sow fresh seeds outdoors in summer
- take tip cuttings in early summer
Anemone blanda: Grecian Windflower

other methods of propagation:
- sow fresh seeds outdoors in summer
Antennaria dioica: Pussytoes
Arabis caucasica: Wall Rock Cress

other methods of propagation:
Arum italicum: Italian Arum
Note: divide in summer as leaves wither
other methods of propagation:
- sow clean fresh seeds outside in fall
Aruncus: Goat's Beard

other methods of propagation:
- sow fresh seeds indoors or outdoors in summer in warm growing medium (70 deg. F.)
Athyrium filix-femina: Lady Fern
Athyrium nipponicum: Japanese Painted Fern

other methods of propagation:
Aubrieta deltoidea: Rock Cress

other methods of propagation:
- take cuttings after flowering, every 3-4 years
Bergenia: Bergenia, Pig Squeak

other methods of propagation:
- sow fresh seeds either indoors or outdoors in summer
Bupthalmum (Synonym: Telekia speciosa): Scented Ox-Eye Daisy
Convallaria majalis (September): Lily-of-the-Valley

other methods of propagation:
- can also be started from seed
Endymion hispanicus: Spanish Bluebells, * late summer

other methods of propagation:
Eremurus spp: Foxtail Lily

other methods of propagation:
- sow fresh seeds either indoors or outdoors in fall
Filipendula vulgaris: Dropwort

other methods of propagation:
- sow seeds in spring or fall
Geum (late summer): Avens

other methods of propagation:
- sow fresh seeds outdoors in summer or fall
Incarvillea delavayi: Hardy Gloxinia

other methods of propagation:
- sow seed in autumn or spring
Iris x germanica (late summer): Bearded Iris
Iris sibirica (late summer): Siberian Iris
Lamiastrum galeobdolon: Yellow Archangel, False Lamium

other methods of propagation:
- take tip cuttings in spring or summer
Lilium: Lily

Note: : divide in late summer i.e. October, as they go dormant
Lychnis x arkwrightii: Arkwright's Campion
other methods of propagation:
- sow seeds in autumn or early spring
- may self-seed
Lychnis chalcedonica: Maltese Cross
other methods of propagation:
Lychnis coronaria: Rose Campion
other methods of propagation:
- plants will self-seed prodigiously
Mertensia virginica: Virginia Bluebells

other methods of propagation:
- happy plants will self-sow
Onoclea sensibilis: Sensitive Fern
Paeonia: Peony

Note: divide in late summer i.e. September
Phlox subulata: Moss Phlox

other methods of propagation:
- start from seed
- take cuttings
Trillium grandiflorum: Trillium
other methods of propagation:
- sow fresh seeds outdoors in summer
Viola: Violet
other methods of propagation:
- will self-sow, sometimes more rampantly than you'd wish
- take cuttings
Many plants are suitable for division in either spring or fall. You, the gardener, get to make the choice about timing to best suit your needs. You can feel safe in tackling this job with any of the plants in the list below.
Achillea: Yarrow

other propagation methods:
- sow seeds (species only) in late winter
- take tip cuttings in spring or early summer
Aconitum: Monkshood

other methods of propagation:
- it is possible to start this species from seed
Aegopodium: Goutweed
Ajuga: Bugleweed
Note: division can be done anytime during the growing season
other methods of propagation:
- cuttings in spring or summer
Alopecurus pratensis: Meadow Foxtail
Anaphalis margaritacea: Pearly Everlasting
other methods of propagation:
- take tip cuttings in early summer
- sow seeds outdoors in situ in late summer
- sow seeds indoors in late winter
Antennaria dioica: Pussytoes
Aquilegia: Columbine

other methods of propagation:
- sow seeds outdoors in fall
- sow seeds indoors in winter, after storing seeds dry in fridge for 4 weeks prior to sowing
- you will find many self-sown seedlings in the garden
Armeria: Thrift

other methods of propagation:
- sow seeds indoors in winter, in a warm growing medium (about 70 deg. F.)
- take cuttings in spring or fall
Arrhenatherum elatius: Bulbous Oat Grass
Artemisia lactiflora: White Mugwort
other methods of propagation:
- take softwood or semi-ripe cuttings in summer
Artemisia ludoviciana: Silver Sage
other methods of propagation:
- take softwood or semi-ripe cuttings in summer
Artemisia pontica: Roman Wormwood
other methods of propagation:
- take softwood or semi-ripe cuttings in summer
Aster amellus: Italian Aster
other methods of propagation:
- take stem cuttings in late spring or early summer
- sow seeds outdoors in fall
- sow seeds indoors in winter, stratify for 4-6 weeks
Aster tongolensis: East Indies Aster
other methods of propagation:
- take stem cuttings in late spring or early summer
- sow seeds outdoors in fall
- sow seeds indoors in winter, stratify for 4-6 weeks
Aster novae-angliae: New England Aster, Michaelmas Daisy

other methods of propagation:
- take stem cuttings in late spring or early summer
- sow seeds outdoors in fall
- sow seeds indoors in winter, stratify for 4-6 weeks
Aster novi-belgii: New York Aster, Michaelmas Daisy
other methods of propagation:
- take stem cuttings in late spring or early summer
- sow seeds outdoors in fall
- sow seeds indoors in winter, stratify for 4-6 weeks
Campanula glomerata: Clustered Bellflower
Campanula lactiflora: Milky Bellflower
Campanula latifolia: Great Bellflower
Campanula persicifolia: Peach-Leaved Bellflower
Centaurea dealbata: Persian Cornflower
other methods of propagation:
- sow fresh seeds outdoors in fall
- sow seeds indoors in late winter
Centaurea hypoleuca: Knapweed
other methods of propagation:
- sow fresh seeds outdoors in fall
- sow seeds indoors in late winter
Centaurea macrocephala: Globe Centaurea
Centaurea montana: Perennial Bachelor's Button
Chelone obliqua: Pink Turtlehead

Note: fall division should be done late
other methods of propagation:
- take stem cuttings in early summer
Chrysanthemum leucanthemum: Ox-Eye Daisy
other methods of propagation:
Cimicifuga: Bugbane

other methods of propagation:
- sow fresh seeds outdoors in fall
Coreopsis: Tickseed

other methods of propagation:
- sow fresh seeds indoors in summer or fall in a warm growing medium (70 deg. F.)
- take cuttings in spring
Coreopsis grandiflora: Large-Flowered Coreopsis
Coreopsis verticillata: Thread-Leaf Coreopsis
Dicentra spectabilis: Old-Fashioned Bleeding Heart

other methods of propagation:
- sow fresh seeds outdoors in summer
- take root cuttings in fall
Dicentra x 'Luxuriant': hybrid Bleeding Heart
Doronicum caucasicum (Synonym: Doronicum cordatum): Leopard's Bane

Note: division is best done immediately after flowering
Echinops ritro: Globe Thistle

other methods of propagation:
- take root cuttings in spring or fall
- sow seeds indoors in late winter
- watch for self-sown seedlings
Euphorbia cyparissias: Cypress Spurge
other methods of propagation:
- take cuttings in spring or summer
- sow seeds in autumn or spring
Euphorbia epithymoides: Cushion Spurge
other methods of propagation:
- take cuttings in spring or summer
- sow seeds in autumn or spring
Euphorbia myrsinites: Donkey-Tail Spurge

other methods of propagation:
- take cuttings in spring or summer
- sow seeds in autumn or spring
Galium odoratum: Sweet Woodruff
Geranium 'Johnson's Blue': Johnson's Blue Geranium

other methods of propagation:
- sow seeds in spring
- take cuttings in summer
Geranium endressii: Endres Cranesbill

other methods of propagation:
- sow seeds in spring
- take cuttings in summer
Geranium himalayense: Lilac Cranesbill

other methods of propagation:
- sow seeds in spring
- take cuttings in summer
Geranium subcaulescens (Synonym: Geranium cinereum spp.subcaulescens): Rock Geranium
other methods of propagation:
- sow seeds in spring
- take cuttings in summer
Helenium autumnale: Helen's Flower, Sneezeweed

other methods of propagation:
- sow seeds outdoors in spring or fall
- take stem cuttings in early summer
Helianthus: Sunflower

other methods of propagation:
- take stem cuttings in early summer
- sow fresh seeds outdoors in late summer or fall
Heliopsis: False Sunflower

other methods of propagation:
- take stem cuttings in late spring
- may be started from seed
Helleborus: Hellebore

other methods of propagation:
- sow fresh seeds outdoors in spring or summer
Hemerocallis: Daylily
Heuchera: Coral Bells
Inula ensifolia: Sunray Flower, Swordleaf Inula, Elecampane
Liatris: Blazing Star, Gayfeather

other methods of propagation:
- sow seeds outdoors in fall
- sow seeds indoors in late winter, stratify for 4-6 weeks
Lysimachia clethroides: Gooseneck Loosestrife

other methods of propagation:
- start from seed
- take cuttings
Lysimachia punctata: Yellow Loosestrife

other methods of propagation:
- sow seed in autumn (species only)
Lythrum: Loosestrife
other methods of propagation:
- take stem cuttings in summer
Mazus reptans: Creeping Mazus

other methods of propagation:
Mentha suaveolens: Pineapple Mint
Monarda: Bee Balm, Bergamot
Oenothera tetragona: Yellow Sundrops

other methods of propagation:
- sow seeds in spring or fall
- take softwood cuttings in late spring
Persicaria affinis: Knotweed, Fleeceflower
Phlox maculata: Meadow Phlox
other methods of propagation:
Phlox paniculata: Garden Phlox, Summer Phlox

other methods of propagation:
Polemonium: Jacob's Ladder

other methods of propagation:
- sow fresh seeds outdoors in fall
Polygonatum odoratum: Solomon's Seal

other methods of propagation:
- sow fresh seeds seeds outdoors in fall
Potentilla nepalensis: Nepal Cinquefoil
other methods of propagation:
Prunella grandiflora: Self-Heal
Prunella x webbiana: Self-Heal
Pulmonaria: Lungwort

other methods of propagation:
Ranunculus: Buttercup
other methods of propagation:
Rudbeckia: Coneflower

other methods of propagation:
- sow seeds indoors in winter
- sow seeds outdoors in spring or fall
Salvia: Sage

other methods of propagation:
- sow seeds in spring
- take tip cuttings in early summer
Saponaria ocymoides: Rock Soapwort
other methods of propagation:
- take tip or stem cuttings in summer
Sedum kamtschaticum: Kamschatka Stonecrop

other methods of propagation:
- take tip cuttings in summer
Sedum spectabile: Showy Stonecrop
Sedum spurium: Two-Row Sedum
Sisyrinchium angustifolium: Blue-Eyed Grass
Solidago: Goldenrod
other methods of propagation:
x Solidaster luteus: Solidaster
Stachys byzantina: Lamb's Ears

other methods of propagation:
- can be seed-started
- take cuttings
Stachys macrantha: Big Betony
Stokesia laevis: Stoke's Aster

other methods of propagation:
- sow fresh seeds outdoors in fall
- sow seeds indoors in winter, stratify for 6 weeks
- root cuttings taken in late winter or early spring
Thalictrum delavayi: Yunnan Meadow Rue
Thymus x citriodorus: Lemon Thyme
Thymus serphyllum: Mother-of-Thyme
Tiarella cordifolia: Foamflower

other methods of propagation:
- remove rooted runners anytime in the growing season
- sow seeds outdoors in spring, leaving uncovered to assist germination
Tradescantia: Spiderwort

other methods of propagation:
- watch for lots of self-sown seedlings
- take tip cuttings in spring, summer or fall
Trollius: Globeflower

other methods of propagation:
- sow fresh seeds outdoors in summer
Veronica alpina: Alpine Speedwell
other methods of propagation:
- sow seeds in autumn or spring
- take cuttings in summer
Veronica gentianoides: Gentian Speedwell

other methods of propagation:
- sow seeds in autumn or spring
- take cuttings in summer
Veronica grandis: Speedwell
other methods of propagation:
- sow seeds in autumn or spring
- take cuttings in summer
Veronica incana: Woolly Speedwell
other methods of propagation:
- sow seeds in autumn or spring
- take cuttings in summer
Veronica longifolia: Longleaf Speedwell

other methods of propagation:
- sow seeds in autumn or spring
- take cuttings in summer
Veronica spicata: Spike Speedwell

other methods of propagation:
- sow seeds in autumn or spring
- take cuttings in summer
Veronica teucrium: Hungarian Speedwell
other methods of propagation:
- sow seeds in autumn or spring
- take cuttings in summer
Veronica virginica (Synonym: Veronicastrum virginicum): Culver's Root
other methods of propagation:
- sow seeds in autumn or spring
- take cuttings in summer
Vinca minor: Myrtle, Periwinkle

other methods of propagation:
- take stem cuttings in summer
DO NOT DIVIDEFor various reasons, some plants are better propagated by means other than division. This is true of the plants in the following list. Only species should be seed propagated, as cultivars will not come "true" to the parent. Cuttings will give you plants identical to the parent, but are a little more difficult to maintain properly until they are ready for replanting. There are many Internet sites that can instruct you in the "how" of these types of propagation.
Adenophora: LadyBells
methods of propagation:
- if you allow this plant in your garden you will certainly come to regret it
- basal cuttings in early spring
- sow seeds in situ when temperatures reach at least 70-75 deg.F., keep moist for 2-3 weeks until germination
- some sources say to sow seed in autumn
- may self-sow
Agastache: Anise-Hyssop, an upright herb, licorice-scented
methods of propagation:
- sow seeds in situ in early spring for bloom the same year
- may self-sow as well but seedlings are easily removed or moved to a new location
- can also be divided in spring or fall but not necessarily successfully
- softwood or semi-ripe cuttings in late summer
Alcea: Hollyhock
methods of propagation:
- sow seeds indoors in winter (for summer bloom)
- sow seeds under glass in spring
- sow seeds outdoors in situ in spring (for bloom the following year)
Anemone pulsatilla: Pasque Flower
now known as: Pulsatilla vulgaris - see below
Artemisia x 'Powis Castle': Wormwood, Artemisia
methods of propagation:
- take cuttings from new shoots with piece of old wood attached
Artemisia schmidtiana 'Silver Mound': Silvermound Artemisia

methods of propagation:
- root cuttings in a cold frame
Aurinia saxatilis: Basket-of-Gold

methods of propagation:
- seed (species only) - sow seed under glass in spring
- take cuttings in spring or fall
- cultivars only - root cuttings in cold frame in early summer
- will self-sow in suitable locations
Belamcanda chinensis: Blackberry Lily

methods of propagation:
- sow fresh seeds outdoors in fall
- another source says to sow seeds outdoors in spring (after required 4-6 weeks of stratification)
Campanula medium: Canterbury Bells
methods of propagation:
- sow seeds under glass May-June
Catananche caerulea: Cupid's Dart

methods of propagation:
- take root cuttings in fall or winter
- root cuttings in water
- sow seeds indoors in late winter
- sow seeds under glass in spring
Centranthus ruber: Red Valerian, Jupiter's Beard
methods of propagation:
- easy - sow seeds indoors or outdoors in late winter
- sow seeds under glass in April
- watch for self-sown seedlings
- cuttings in cold frame in spring
Cheiranthus cheiri: Wallflower, a hardy biennial
Clematis: Clematis

methods of propagation:
- take stem cuttings before flowering in spring or early summer
Consolida ambigua: Larkspur, colours include whites, pinks, purples

methods of propagation:
- sow seeds under glass in September or March
- watch for self-sown seedlings to appear
Corydalis lutea: Corydalis

other methods of propagation:
- sow seeds outdoors in autumn
- will self-sow prolifically
Crambe cordifolia: Sea Kale
methods of propagation:
- these are best left undisturbed once established
- sow seeds outdoors in spring or fall
- sow seeds indoors in late winter
- root cuttings taken in fall
Dianthus: Pinks, Carnation

methods of propagation:
- take stem cuttings in summer; cuttings in cold frame in July
- layering
- sow seeds outdoors in spring
- sow seeds indoors in winter
- seeds under glass in spring or fall
Dictamus: Gas Plant, Dittany
methods of propagation:
- sow fresh seeds outdoors in late summer
- another source says to sow seeds in spring (new plants will take 3 years to flower)
- remove side shoots in August
Digitalis: Foxglove

methods of propagation:
- sow seeds indoors in late winter
- sow seeds outdoors in summer for bloom the following year
- will self-sow readily
Gaura lindheimeri: White Gaura

methods of propagation:
- sow seeds outdoors in fall or spring
- take cuttings in summer
- cuttings in cold frame in July
Gypsophila paniculata: Baby's Breath
methods of propagation:
- take cuttings in spring
- cuttings in cold frame in summer
- sow seeds outdoors in spring or fall
- sow seeds indoors in late winter
Gypsophila repens: Creeping Baby's Breath

methods of propagation:
- cuttings in spring (difficult)
- cuttings in cold frame in summer
- sow seeds outdoors in spring or fall
- sow seeds indoors in late winter
Hedera helix: Common English Ivy
methods of propagation:
- cuttings in cold frame in late July
Helianthemum: Rock Rose, Sun Rose

methods of propagation:
- start from seeds
- take cuttings & root in cold frame in summer
Hesperis matronalis: Dame's Rocket

methods of propagation:
- basal cuttings in spring
- sow seeds indoors in late winter
- sow seeds outdoors in summer or fall
- watch for lots of self-sown seedlings
Hypericum: St. John's-Wort
methods of propagation:
- take cuttings from cultivar forms in summer
- cuttings in cold frame in July
- sow seeds of species forms in autumn
- take cuttings of species forms in summer
Iberis sempervirens: Candytuft

methods of propagation:
- take tip cuttings in early summer
- cuttings in cold frame in July
- sow seeds outdoors in spring or fall
Knautia macedonica: Crimson Scabious

methods of propagation:
- take basal cuttings in spring
- sow seeds in autumn
Lavandula: Lavender

methods of propagation:
- take tip cuttings (from new growth) in fall
- semi-ripe cuttings in cold frame in July
Leontopodium alpinum: Edelweiss
methods of propagation:
- sow seeds when fresh - many will not be viable
- sow seed under glass early spring
Limonium latifolium: Statice, Sea Lavender
methods of propagation:
- sow seeds outdoors in fall, or early spring
- sow seeds under glass in spring
- take root cuttings in very early spring
- root cuttings in water
Linum flavum: Golden Flax
methods of propagation:
- take stem cuttings in early summer
- sow fresh seeds outdoors in later summer or fall
Linum perenne: Blue Flax

methods of propagation:
- take stem cuttings in early summer
- layer side shoots in August
- sow fresh seeds outdoors in late summer or fall
- sow seeds under glass in spring
- will self-sow with abandon
Lunaria annua: Money Plant, Silver Dollar

methods of propagation:
- will self seed prolifically
- sow seeds under glass in May or June
Lupinus: Lupine
methods of propagation:
- sow seed when fresh in autumn (species only)
- sow seed under glass in spring
- take cuttings from non-flowering side shoots in spring or early summer
Lychnis viscaria: German Catchfly

methods of propagation:
- sow seed in autumn or spring
- sow seed under glass in spring
- will self-sow
Malva: Mallow

methods of propagation:
- sow seeds in autumn (species only)
- take cuttings from firm, basal shoots in late spring or summer
Myosotis: Forget-Me-Not
methods of propagation:
- will self-sow quite prolifically
Myrrhis odorata: Sweet Cicely

methods of propagation:
- sow seeds outdoors in autumn or spring
Oenothera macrocarpa: formerly Oenothera missouriensis, Ozark Sundrops, Missouri Primrose

methods of propagation:
- sow seeds in spring or fall
- take softwood cuttings in late spring
Onopordum acanthium: Giant Thistle, Scotch Thistle
methods of propagation:
- you may want to remove seed heads from this plant to prevent it self-seeding rampantly
- sow seeds outdoors in autumn or spring
Papaver rhoeas: Shirley Poppy
methods of propagation:
- sow seeds in spring or fall
- sow seeds outdoors in April
Papaver somniferum: Opium Poppy

methods of propagation:
- sow seeds outdoors in summer, thin the following spring
- will self-sow prolifically
x Pardancanda norrisii: Candy Lily

similar to Belamcanda chinensis (see above)
methods of propagation:
sow fresh seeds outdoors in fall
- another source says to sow seeds outdoors in spring (after required 4-6 weeks of stratification)
Perovskia atriplicifolia: Russian Sage
methods of propagation:
- take softwood cuttings in late spring
Phyteuma scheuchzeri: Horned Rampion
Platycodon grandiflorus: Balloon Flower

Note: this plant resents disturbance
methods of propagation:
- sow seeds in autumn
- sow seeds under glass in spring
- take basal cuttings in summer, preferably with a piece of root attached
Pulsatilla vulgaris (formerly: Anemone pulsatilla): Pasque-Flower

Note: this plant hates root disturbance
methods of propagation:
- sow seeds when fresh
- sow seeds under glass in summer
- take root cuttings in winter
Ruta graveolens: Rue
methods of propagation:
- take semi-ripe cuttings in summer
- cuttings in cold frame in July
Santolina chamaecyparissus: Lavender Cotton
methods of propagation:
- take semi-ripe cuttings in summer
- cuttings in cold frame in July
Sempervivum tectorum : Hens and Chicks

methods of propagation:
- cuttings 1rosettes) in cold frme in autumn or spring
- old rosettes die after flowering - replant offsets in summer
Silene schafta: Schafta Pink
methods of propagation:
- take softwood cuttings in spring
- cuttings in cold frame in summer
- sow seed in spring or early autumn
Valeriana officinalis: Garden Valerian, Over the Garden Fence
Verbascum bombiciferum: Giant Silver Mullein
methods of propagation:
- root cuttings in water
- sow seeds in spring or late summer
- may self-seed
Verbascum chaixii: Nettle-Leaved Mullein
Verbascum phoeniceum: Mullein, Purple Mullein

methods of propagation:
- root cuttings in water
- sow seed outdoors in spring
The image at the top of this page is an edited version of the perennial Hemerocallis 'Lady Fingers', also seen in the border around this page.
'Lady Fingers' is a cultivar in the Spider class of daylilies which, along with Unusual Form daylilies, provides some exciting choices for those gardeners looking for something different. To learn more about these two classes, see images and find suppliers in the province of Ontario just follow the link to our Spider & Unusual Form Daylilies page.
For direct access to the American Hemerocallis Society - Registry of Daylily Cultivars alphabetical lists of cultivars in these classes, just follow the two links below:
All of our own Gardens By The Bay pages can be accessed by clicking on the links below.
Geranium |
Iris - Vinca
BULBS Allium - Hyacinthus |
Narcissus only |
Tulipa only |
Minor Bulbs
BUTTERFLY MAGNETS Anaphalis - Hemerocallis |
Liatris - Veronicastrum
DAYLILIES Spider & Unusual Form
EDGERS Arabis - Iris |
Nepeta - Veronica
Alchemilla - Tanacetum
HOSTA Hosta - all
ORNAMENTAL GRASSES Acorus - Imperata |
Miscanthus - Spodiopogon
PINK PERENNIALS Achillea - Lilium |
Lychnis - Veronica
PURPLE PERENNIALS Aconitum - Liatris |
Polemonium - Veronica
RED PERENNIALS Achillea - Veronica
SHADE PERENNIALS Aegopodium - Erythronium |
Ferns - Polemonium |
Polygonatum - Vinca
Achillea - Cerastium
Cornus - Limonium
Lunaria - Veronica
WHITE PERENNIALS Achillea - Iris |
Kalimeris - Yucca
YELLOW PERENNIALS Achillea - Hypericum |
Inula - Verbascum
Hakonechloa - Lysimachia |
Miscanthus - Yucca
Dianthus 'Tiny Rubies' |
Geranium |
Geum coccineum |
Kerria japonica |
Knautia macedonica
Paeonia tenuifolia |
Papaver somniferum |
Rudbeckia |
Salvia 'East Friesland'
Trollius |
Veronica 'Sunny Border Blue'