Stylophorum diphyllum - Celandine Poppy, Wood Poppy


Yellow is such a joyous colour in the garden, there is no end to the plant partnerships that can be made with it. I once heard someone say that they don't want any yellow flowers in their garden beds. My immediate thought was of how much they are missing.

Yellow hues can range from pale creamy-yellow to bright lemony-yellow, or cover all the variations between. They all have perfect partnering colours, to either complement them or provide contrast to them. You need only refer to the numerous combinations below for more ideas to spark your imagination.

* Watch for the animated hummingbird and butterfly with the plants that attract them. *
The deer icon indicates plants that deer are not usually attracted to.

animated hummingbird iconanimated butterfly iconanimated deer icon

The best time and method to propagate plants can be found on our image-intensive PROPAGATION page.

To help your plants grow their best, check out our FERTILIZATION page.

To create your own plant partnerships based on tried and true color theory, check out our GARDEN COLOR page.

To see if a particular plant is on this page press Ctrl+F, type in the name, then click the Find button.


There are many species and cultivars available in this genus belonging to the Daisy family, ranging from a 2" dwarf to a 6 foot giant with many garden-worthy forms in heights in between. Most prefer full sun and well-drained soil.

Inula ensifolia:  Swordleaf Inula, 12"x12"

    Inula ensifolia
    If you only know the 6-foot-tall forms of Inula you'll be surprised by the different effect created by this short-statured form
Inula royleana:  Himalayan Elecampane
    with:  white Astilbe, silver-foliage plants i.e. Artemisia, pale blue Japanese Iris


There are many yellow Iris to choose from, from the shortest early-blooming dwarf to the later-blooming tall bearded forms. Shades of yellow can range from pale and creamy to bright and brassy. They will all perform best if given full sun.

Iris:  unidentified form

    unidentified yellow Iris
    I can't wait until this beautiful plant is ready for division and forms a large patch
Iris x germanica:  Bearded Iris, yellow
    yellow bearded Iris
    with:  Anchusa azurea, Hosta sieboldiana 'Elegans'
Iris x germanica:  Bearded Iris, medium height yellow
    behind:  Sedum spurium 'Dragon's Blood'
      beside:  Veronica
    Iris x germanica:  Bearded Iris, yellow Intermediate
      with:  Tulipa 'Dillenburg' & Viola 'Arkwright Ruby' edging, in front of Allium aflatunense
    Iris x germanica:  Bearded Iris, lemon-yellow Intermediate
      with:  Veronica whitleyi (a blue, early-spring bloomer)
    Iris x germanica:  Bearded Iris, light yellow
      with:  Phlox paniculata (a white form), Sedum spurium 'Dragon's Blood', Veronica
    Iris x germanica:  Bearded Iris, yellow and cream
      combined with:  Veronica teucrium 'Shirley Blue' & Paeonia (single white)
    Iris x germanica:  Bearded Iris, cream
      with:  Papaver orientale (to tone it down)
    Iris x germanica:  Bearded Iris, cream or yellow Intermediate
      with:  Endymion hispanicus (Scilla campanulata)
    Iris x germanica:  Bearded Iris, pale yellow dwarf form
      with:  Veronica pectinata 'Rosea'
    Iris 'New Moon':  Bearded Iris, lemon-yellow, 36"
      with:  deep purple co-bloomers
        combined with:  deep purple Iris ('Dusky Challenger'), pure white Iris ('Ermine Robe')
      Iris pseudacorus:  Yellow Flag Iris, 40", bluish foliage
        where:  in constantly moist to boggy soil; standing water
          with:  Paeonia, Lilium, annual Papaver
            with other moisture-loving Iris:  I. versicolor or I. fulva
              with:  large-leaved plants for contrast i.e. Petasites japonicus var. giganteus
            Iris pumila: yellow dwarf
              Iris pumila - a dwarf yellow form
              seen in the photograph above with purple Aubrieta deltoidea
                behind:  Sedum spurium 'Dragon's Blood'
              Learn how and where to grow many forms of Iris and what companions to plant with them at the links below.

            • blue Iris
            • bulbous Iris
            • Iris as edgers
            • orange Iris
            • purple Iris
            • red Iris
            • white Iris
            • Iris with variegated foliage

            • KNIPHOFIA

              We usually think of the colour orange in relation to the Torchlily, Poker Plant or Red-Hot Poker as it is variously known. Most show yellow when flowers open from the bottom up for a two-toned effect. And there are even some that are completely yellow.

              Kniphofia x pfitzeri:  deep orange

              Kniphofia uvaria:  Common Torch Lily, yellow & orange
                Torch Lily
                with:  a dark purple Delphinium, yellow Hemerocallis
                  with:  Ornamental Grasses, Artemisia, Oenothera
                If you still like the colour orange in your garden, learn what companions to plant with this perennial to bring out its best.

              • orange Torch Lily

              • LAMIASTRUM

                Yellow Archangel is perfect when you want a yellow-flowered perennial that will carpet a stretch of ground in part shade. Too aggressive for most borders, it will add a variegated effect with its foliage after blooms have finished. Extra plants can be used as a cascading edger in planters where the variegated foliage can be appreciated up close.

                Lamiastrum galeobdolon 'Luteum':  False Lamium, Yellow Archangel, 12-18"x20"

                  now:  Galeobdolon luteum
                    foliage:  silver-spotted
                      flowers:  flowers in whorls along trailing 6-8" stems
                        where:  groundcover in shade, including dry shade, in containers, in woodland gardens
                          with:  spring bulbs, early wildflowers, ferns
                        Lamiastrum galeobdolon 'Herman's Pride':  metallic silver foliage, 8" tall
                          Lamiastrum galeobdolon 'Herman's Pride'
                          where:  excellent as edger in shade
                            note:  this cultivar spreads much slower and keeps a more rounded shape than the plant directly below
                          Lamiastrum galeobdolon 'Variegatum'
                            Yellow Archangel foliage in planter pot with Petunias
                            image above:  lovely variegated foliage perfect in planter pot with annual Petunias
                          Lamiastrum galeobdolon 'Variegatum'
                            Yellow Archangel
                            synonym:  Lamiastrum galeobdolon 'Florentinum'
                              note:  the foliage lies flat against the ground until just before bloom time, then flattens out again after bloom has finished
                                where:  groundcover in difficult shady areas (including under trees), covering a rocky slope
                                  with:  spring bulbs, early wildflowers, ferns on moist sites
                                Lamiastrum grows well in shade and has different foliage choices as you will see if you follow the links below.

                              • Archangel in shade
                              • Archangel with variegated foliage

                              • LILIUM

                                Yellow is only one of the many colours that inspire us to add plants from this wonderful family of flowers to our gardens. Whether your Lily choices are Asiatics, Orientals, Trumpets, Aurelian Hybrids or the multiple species available, you can have blooms over a long period from early to late. Experiment to find co-bloomers for your own forms or choose from the suggestions below.

                                Lilium:  yellow

                                  Lilium 'Sole Mio'
                                  with:  blue Lobelia, Gypsophila, Campanula lactiflora
                                    over:  Viola, Linum, Campanula carpatica (which can act as a living mulch), Dianthus, Geranium
                                  Lilium martagon:  Martagon Lily, Turk's Cap Lily, lemon-yellow, 3-5'x2'
                                    with:  Lythrum virgatum, Gypsophila paniculata & Stachys byzantina
                                  Unlimited ideas about using Lilies and what other plants to put with them are available at the links below. Let the recommendations of gardening experts inspire you in designing the garden you want.

                                • orange Lilies
                                • pink Lilies
                                • red Lilies
                                • white Lilies

                                • LINUM

                                  Mention perennial Flax and most gardeners will immediately think of the colour blue. But there is a clear yellow form with feathery, narrowly oval, green foliage, perfect in a frontal position in full sun which it prefers to part shade. Give it well-drained, dry, light soil so it will grow well and soon you will have a new favourite in this family of perennials.

                                  Linum flavum:  Flax, Golden Flax, 12"x15"

                                    where:  edger, rock gardens
                                      with:  deep-blue or purple flowers i.e. Salvia, Lobelia siphilitica
                                    Want more blue or white in your beds? Follow the links below for more ideas.

                                  • blue Flax
                                  • white Flax

                                  • LYSIMACHIA

                                    The name Loosestrife needn't strike fear in the hearts of gardeners. Unlike Purple Loosestrife which belongs to an entirely different genus called Lythrum, the perennials in the genus Lysimachia are better behaved and pose no threat to our wetlands. You can safely choose from the yellow forms below.

                                    Lysimachia:  Loosestrife

                                      with:  Iris sibirica, Ligularia dentata or stenocephala, Filipendula, Hosta, ferns
                                    Lysimachia ciliata 'Atropurpurea':  Fringed Loosestrife, 24-36"x24"
                                      synonym:  Steironema ciliata
                                        where:  borders, woodland gardens
                                          use for:  good contrast between yellow flowers and purple-bronze foliage, attracts butterflies
                                        Lysimachia nummularia 'Aurea':  Creeping Jenny, 2-4"x18", bright golden leaves
                                          where:  shady sites (to avoid scorching)
                                            between:  different fern species
                                              under:  Pulmonaria (blue)
                                            Lysimachia punctata:  Yellow Loosestrife, 36-40"x18-24"
                                              where:  borders, woodland gardens, waterside
                                                with:  scarlet Papaver orientale, navy Anchusa, white or blue Iris x germanica or Iris sibirica
                                                  behind:  Salvia x superba

                                                Try the links below for more information and ideas.

                                              • Loosestrife for shade
                                              • white Loosestrife
                                              • Loosestrife with variegated foliage

                                              • OENOTHERA

                                                Sundrops are showy perennials, sometimes referred to as Evening Primrose, since flowers open in the late afternoon or evening. Blooms are saucer-shaped with 4 overlapping petals. These may spread faster than you'd like when you provide the full sun and adequate drainage that they thrive in. The correct pronunciation for this genus is ee-no-THEER-ruh.

                                                Oenothera fruticosa:  Sundrops

                                                  where:  hot, dry sites in full sun & lean soil
                                                    with other summer-blooming perennials:  Campanula glomerata 'Superba', Nepeta x faassenii, Iris,
                                                      Scabiosa x 'Butterfly Blue (Beauty)', Hemerocallis, Achillea, Lavandula, Yucca
                                                  Oenothera macrocarpa:  Ozark Sundrops Oenothera macrocarpa 'Green Court':  sulphur yellow
                                                    formerly:  Oenothera missouriensis 'Green Court'
                                                      with:  Heuchera 'Palace Purple'
                                                    Oenothera tetragona:  Yellow Sundrops, red buds open to lemon-yellow flowers
                                                      formerly:  Oenothera fruticosa youngii
                                                    Oenothera tetragona 'Youngii':  
                                                      Oenothera tetragona 'Youngii'
                                                      appearance:  similar to spreading Oenothera fruticosa but stays in a neat clump
                                                        with:  scarlet Lychnis chalcedonica, Hemerocallis (any colour), Eryngium, Tiger Lily
                                                          with:  Tradescantia virginiana (blue or white), Nepeta x faassenii, Iris
                                                        Sundrops can be found on other pages of this site by following the links below.

                                                      • Sundrops as edgers
                                                      • pink Sundrops

                                                      • PAEONIA

                                                        Yellow may be a more common colour in Tree Peony forms, although there are some yellows among Garden Peonies such as the one below.

                                                        Paeonia lactiflora 'Primavera':  yellow & white, 20-24"x30", highly fragrant

                                                          with:  minor bulbs
                                                            with:  Myosotis
                                                              with early-summer perennials:  Iris sibirica, Digitalis
                                                            Gardening experts grow lots of Peonies in their gardens. The links below will tell you what plant partnerships have worked for them. Try some of the ideas yourself.

                                                          • pink Peonies
                                                          • red Peonies
                                                          • white Peonies
                                                          • The two links below are informative with lots of additional links to numerous Peony sites. Please bookmark us before you leave so you can find your way back soon.


                                                            A genus of perennials forming neat clumps and grown for their flowers, they prefer partial shade and moist soil. Foliage is bold, a dark emerald green and fiddle-shaped. Small flower buds appear in clusters in July on slender, wiry stalks. In August, buds open to tiny, yellow flowers. Foliage remains green and flowers persist for 3-4 weeks, sometimes to the end of September. Not only is this a long-blooming late-bloomer, but it is also an excellent cut flower specimen. Because of its 3-4' height, this plant should be placed in a mid- to rear-border position. If you decide you like it, you will be pleased to find self-sown seedlings here and there around the mother plant. If you don't, your friends and neighbours would likely be happy to give this different yellow-flowered perennial a try.

                                                            Patrinia scabiosifolia:  

                                                              with:  Phlox paniculata, Echinacea purpurea, fall-blooming Anemone japonica (Anemone hupehensis)
                                                            Patrinia scabiosifolia 'Nagoya':  bright yellow, late summer bloom, 3-6'x12"
                                                              with:  any of the combinations above
                                                                with:  tall Aster novae-angliae or Aster tataricus
                                                                  wonderful with:   Ornamental Grasses
                                                                    combined with:  Miscanthus sinensis 'Strictus' & Ilex verticillata 'Winter Red'


                                                                  Primrose need consistent moisture, especially during their active spring growth. Mulch by way of chopped leaves or shredded bark will keep soil moist. Division is an easy form of propagation when you want to increase your favourite forms. Many completely yellow forms are available. Most colour forms have yellow centres.

                                                                  Primula:  soft yellows

                                                                    Primula - soft yellow
                                                                    with:  Phlox stolonifera
                                                                  Primula 'Jaune':  yellow with orange centres on stiff stems
                                                                    with:  Tulipa, Galanthus nivalis, Narcissus
                                                                  Primula elatior:  Oxlip Primrose, pale yellow
                                                                    with:  Narcissus (small types), Muscari (sky-blue)
                                                                  If you have the right location for these shade-loving perennials in your garden, you might want to visit the link below for ideas on which ones to add to your plant shopping.

                                                                • red Primroses

                                                                • RANUNCULUS

                                                                  Ranunculus, Buttercup or Creeping Buttercup, at least the form hardy to Zone 3, is under two feet tall with shiny yellow flowers. There is even a double-flowered form. Best for rich, moist soil in full sun to light shade. Keep them out of formal gardens because of their rapid spread.


                                                                    with:  Hosta, ferns
                                                                  More Ranunculus can be found at the link below.

                                                                • Ranunculus in shade

                                                                • RUDBECKIA

                                                                  Mid to late summer would not be the same without all the bright cheerfulness of the Coneflowers. There are many forms to choose from, in a variety of sizes and colour combinations. All do best in full sun to light shade, with somewhat moist well-drained soil. Butterflies are not drawn to all forms in this genus.

                                                                  Rudbeckia:  Coneflower

                                                                    Yellow Coneflower
                                                                    with:  Echinacea purpurea, Perovskia atriplicifolia, Monarda spp, Sedum, Phlox paniculata
                                                                      with native prairie grasses:  Panicum virgatum, Andropogon scoparius, Sorghastrum nutans
                                                                        with tall Ornamental Grasses:  Miscanthus sinensis spp, Pennisetum alopecuroides
                                                                          with:  Hemerocallis, Achillea, Asclepias tuberosa, Solidago, later- blooming forms of Coreopsis
                                                                            with:  Aster novae-angliae or Aster novi-belgii, Liatris
                                                                              combined with:  Phlox 'David' (white), Aster 'Hella Lacy' & Coreopsis 'Goldfink'
                                                                            Rudbeckia fulgida speciosa 'Goldsturm':  Orange Coneflower, the best of the Coneflowers Rudbeckia 'Marmalade':  golden-yellow with black centres
                                                                              generally with :  other summer blooming perennials
                                                                                with :  Echinacea purpurea, Perovskia atriplicifolia, Phlox paniculata, Sedum, Monarda spp,
                                                                                  Ornamental Grasses
                                                                              Rudbeckia laciniata 'Goldquelle':  Golden Fountain Coneflower, 32", an outstanding cut flower
                                                                                Rudbeckia laciniata 'Goldquelle'
                                                                                this is like a short version of the much-too-tall 'Golden Glow' cultivar
                                                                                  with :  Achillea 'Gold Plate', Phlox paniculata (white), Echinops ritro, Heliopsis, Echinacea purpurea,
                                                                                    Perovskia atriplicifolia, Sedum, Monarda, tall Ornamental Grasses
                                                                                Rudbeckia maxima:  Giant Coneflower, Zone 6
                                                                                  with Ornamental Grasses:  Miscanthus sinensis 'Morning Light'
                                                                                Rudbeckia nitida 'Autumn Glory':  6'
                                                                                  combined with :  Perovskia atriplicifolia & Solidago 'Peter Pan'
                                                                                Rudbeckia nitida 'Golden Glow':  6'
                                                                                  combined with :  Perovskia atriplicifolia & Solidago 'Peter Pan'
                                                                                Rudbeckia nitida 'Herbstsonne':  Coneflower 'Autumn Sun', the Godzilla of the Coneflowers
                                                                                  combined with:  Perovskia x atriplicifolia & Solidago 'Peter Pan'
                                                                                Get more ideas on using Coneflowers at the link that follows.

                                                                              • orange Coneflowers

                                                                              • SALVIA

                                                                                There are Sages in a variety of colours, including many purple-toned ones. Some are grown for their foliage while others are grown for the flowers. There is even a yellow-flowered form as you will see below. Provide well-drained soil in full sun. Sages are generally drought-tolerant once established.

                                                                                Salvia glutinosa:  pale yellow

                                                                                  with:  Geranium 'Ann Folkard'
                                                                                More information and partnership ideas are available at the links below.

                                                                              • purple Salvias
                                                                              • white Salvias
                                                                              • Salvias to attract Hummingbirds
                                                                              • Salvias with silver foliage
                                                                              • Salvias with variegated foliage

                                                                              • SCABIOSA

                                                                                Pincushion Flower has many purple, blue and white forms. There is even a yellow-flowered species which, like the others in the genus, prefers well-drained, neutral to alkaline soil, as well as full sun to light shade.

                                                                                Scabiosa ochroleuca:  Yellow Scabious, pale creamy-yellow, 36"

                                                                                  with :  Knautia macedonica
                                                                                This is one perennial you will want to add to your garden if you don't have it already. Follow the links below for more information on its use and its preferred partnership plants.

                                                                              • pink Pincushion Flower
                                                                              • white Pincushion Flower

                                                                              • SEDUM

                                                                                While many of the taller Sedums, or Stonecrops, have pinkish-toned blooms, there are several shorter choices with tiny star-shaped yellow flowers and fleshy foliage. Give them full sun to light shade and well-drained soil for best results. Most are drought-tolerant once established. Only the Border Varieties in this genus are a draw for butterflies.

                                                                                Sedum:  unknown form;  if you can identify this species, please let me know

                                                                                  an unknown Sedum form
                                                                                  available in both pale yellow and bright yellow, this blooms at the ends of upright stalks, in July
                                                                                    with:  mounding perennials, for perfect contrast to the upright stalks
                                                                                      soft yellow form with:  soft blue or pale purple flowers
                                                                                        bright yellow form with:  dark blue or purple flowers
                                                                                      Sedum kamtschaticum:  Russian Stonecrop, Kamtschatka Stonecrop
                                                                                        combined with :  Iris (for its strappy foliage) & Hemerocallis
                                                                                      Sedum kamtschaticum 'Variegatum':  Variegated Russian Stonecrop
                                                                                        Sedum kamtschaticum 'Variegatum' - Variegated Russian Stonecrop
                                                                                        in front of :  Kniphofia
                                                                                      Not sure where or how to use various forms of Stonecrop to best advantage? There's lots of information available at the links that follow.

                                                                                    • many Sedums
                                                                                    • Sedums as edgers
                                                                                    • red Sedums
                                                                                    • white Sedums
                                                                                    • Sedums with silver foliage
                                                                                    • Sedums with variegated foliage

                                                                                    • SOLIDAGO

                                                                                      Sometimes rather coarse perennials, the Goldenrods, especially the many available cultivars, add late summer yellow colour to the garden. Note that Goldenrod does not cause hay fever.

                                                                                      Solidago:  Goldenrod

                                                                                        where:  prairie or meadow gardens, formal and informal border
                                                                                          with:  Anemone hypehensis 'September Charm', Boltonia asteroides, Chelone lyonii, Chelone obliqua,
                                                                                            Garden Mums, Eryngium including E. amethystinum, Eupatorium coelestinum, Gentiana asclepidea, Helenium autumnale, Physostegia virginiana, Platycodon, Lavandula angustifolia, Liatris, Salvia, Ornamental Grasses
                                                                                          with other butterfly magnets:  Asclepias tuberosa, Aster (especially blue or purple forms), Aster (Michaelmas Daisy),
                                                                                            Aster novi-belgii 'Benary's Composition Mix', Echinacea purpurea, Eupatorium coelestinum, Helianthus, Phlox paniculata, Rudbeckia, as a yellow echo with:  Eriophyllum lanatum & Hemerocallis (a yellow co- bloomer)
                                                                                        Solidago canadensis:  Canada Goldenrod
                                                                                          with :  Echinacea, Rudbeckia, Platycodon grandiflorus, Liatris, Eupatorium coelestinum, Lavandula angustifolia,
                                                                                            Salvia, Aster (esp. blue or purple forms), Phlox, Helianthus, Liatris
                                                                                          with:  Ornamental Grasses, Garden Mums
                                                                                        Solidago 'Golden Shower'
                                                                                          behind :  Erigeron 'Prosperity' (a lavender-blue semi-double)
                                                                                            beside :  Veronica (blue), Hosta fortunei 'Picta'
                                                                                          Solidago 'Peter Pan'
                                                                                            combined with :  Rudbeckia nitida 'Autumn Glory', 'Golden Glow' or 'Autumn Sun' & Perovskia atriplicifolia
                                                                                          Solidago sphacelata 'Golden Fleece':  golden (brilliant yellow)
                                                                                            where :  massed as a groundcover
                                                                                              with:  Iris x germanica
                                                                                                with :  Crocus, Colchicum, Iris (for a spiky contrast)
                                                                                              Follow the link below for more information about Goldenrod.

                                                                                            • siting Goldenrods

                                                                                            • x SOLIDASTER

                                                                                              A cross between two different genera, Solidago and Aster, resulted in this summer-flowering perennial of a much softer yellow shade than its Goldenrod parent. It may therefore be much easier to blend into a garden in sun or shade in fertile soil where it will thrive.

                                                                                              x Solidaster luteus:  Aster + Solidago

                                                                                                with :  violet-blue flowered plants
                                                                                                  with :  Coreopsis verticillata


                                                                                                Celandine Poppy, or Wood Poppy, is a spring wildflower that grows best in evenly moist soil. Foliage is deeply lobed and long-lasting. The leaves and stems exude a yellow sap that was once used by Native Americans as a dye.

                                                                                                Stylophorum diphyllum:  Celandine Poppy

                                                                                                  Stylophorum diphyllum - Wood Poppy
                                                                                                  note:  this woodland plant can be seen in the border around this page, at the top of the page and directly above
                                                                                                    with :  Iris cristata, Phlox stolonifera


                                                                                                  Common Tansy with aromatic, ferny, divided and somewhat glaucous foliage and golden-yellow flowers needs full sun for peak performance. Prevent self-seeding by removing spent flowers.

                                                                                                  Tanacetum vulgare

                                                                                                    with:  Achillea, Artemisia, Aster, Limonium latifolium, Salvia, Ornamental Grasses


                                                                                                  Spring-flowering Thermopsis, sometimes called False Lupine or Carolina Lupine, grows best in full sun and rich, somewhat acidic, soil. A stately 3-5 foot perennial it will grace the mid to rear sections of your borders. Lemon-yellow flowers appear atop upright stalks and gray-green foliage.

                                                                                                  Thermopsis caroliniana:  Carolina Lupine

                                                                                                    synonym:  Thermopsis villosa
                                                                                                      where :  rear border position; meadows; with shrubs; in lightly shaded gardens
                                                                                                        generally with :  rounded or mounding plants
                                                                                                          with :  Amsonia tabernaemontana, Campanula, Geranium, Paeonia


                                                                                                        Globeflower grows in both sun and shade, provided that soil remains moist. It is available in a number of yellow or yellow-orange shades.

                                                                                                        Trollius:  Globeflower

                                                                                                          Trollius - Globeflower
                                                                                                          for a profile of this plant, follow the link to Trollius
                                                                                                            where:  near water's edge, in a moist site
                                                                                                              generally with:  any shade of blue or purple
                                                                                                                with:  Alchemilla mollis, Myosotis, Hosta, Primula, Ferns
                                                                                                                  with water-loving plants:  Iris pseudacorus and other water-loving forms of Iris, Filipendula, Ligularia, Rodgersia
                                                                                                                Trollius x cultorum 'Etna':  warm yellow
                                                                                                                  with:  white Astilbe
                                                                                                                The lovely globes of Globeflower add much charm to a garden in spring. Check out the link below for more information.

                                                                                                              • orange Globeflower

                                                                                                              • UVULARIA

                                                                                                                A spring-blooming perennial for moist woodsy soil, Merrybells has long, drooping yellow blooms and foliage that continues to grow long after flowering has finished.

                                                                                                                Uvularia grandiflora:  Bellwort, Merrybells, Great Merrybells, 18-24"

                                                                                                                  Uvularia - Great Merrybells
                                                                                                                  where:  woodland gardens
                                                                                                                    with other shade lovers:  Hosta, ferns, Tiarella cordifolia, Asarum, Sanguinaria canadensis, Dicentra eximia
                                                                                                                  Follow the link below for more ideas.

                                                                                                                • Merrybells in shade

                                                                                                                • VERBASCUM

                                                                                                                  The Mulleins are summer-flowering perennials that thrive in full sun and very well-drained soil. Watch for self-sown seedlings.

                                                                                                                  Verbascum chaixii:  Nettle-Leaved Mullein

                                                                                                                    with:  fine-textured perennials, mounded plants
                                                                                                                      with:  Coreopsis verticillata, Geranium, Thalictrum, Nepeta, Geranium psylostemon, Ornamental Grasses
                                                                                                                    Verbascum olympicum:  
                                                                                                                      with:  Geranium 'Johnson's Blue'
                                                                                                                    Some of these plants are definitely worth adding to your garden. Check out those at the link below to see the possibilities.

                                                                                                                  • Mulleins with silver foliage
                                                                                                                  • white Mulleins

                                                                                                                  • TO RETURN TO THE FIRST PAGE OF YELLOW PERENNIALS & THEIR COMPANIONS, FOLLOW THE LINK BELOW.

                                                                                                                    All of our own Gardens By The Bay pages can be accessed by clicking on the links below.


                                                                                                                    GARDEN POETRY  |  GARDEN POETRY MUSE

                                                                                                                    GEORGIAN BAY VIEW

                                                                                                                    BOTANICAL LATIN - BASICS

                                                                                                                    COLOR THEORY

                                                                                                                    THE GARDENS

                                                                                                                    CORNER GARDEN CONSTRUCTION  |  CORNER GARDEN PLANTING  |  LONG GARDEN

                                                                                                                    EAST GARDEN  |  HOSTA GARDEN  |  NORTH GARDEN  |  WINTER GARDENS

                                                                                                                    PLANT PARTNERSHIPS

                                                                                                                    BLUE PERENNIALS    Aconitum - Geranium  |  Iris - Vinca

                                                                                                                    BULBS    Allium - Hyacinthus  |  Narcissus only  |  Tulipa only  |  Minor Bulbs

                                                                                                                    BUTTERFLY MAGNETS    Anaphalis - Hemerocallis  |  Liatris - Veronicastrum
                                                                                                                    DAYLILIES      Spider & Unusual Form

                                                                                                                    EDGERS    Arabis - Iris  |  Nepeta - Veronica

                                                                                                                    FOLIAGE PERENNIALS     Alchemilla - Tanacetum

                                                                                                                    HOSTA    Hosta - all

                                                                                                                    HUMMINGBIRD-FRIENDLY PERENNIALS    Alcea - Salvia

                                                                                                                    ORANGE PERENNIALS    Achillea - Tulipa

                                                                                                                    ORNAMENTAL GRASSES    Acorus - Imperata |  Miscanthus - Spodiopogon

                                                                                                                    PINK PERENNIALS    Achillea - Lilium  |  Lychnis - Veronica

                                                                                                                    PURPLE PERENNIALS    Aconitum - Liatris  |  Polemonium - Veronica

                                                                                                                    RED PERENNIALS    Achillea - Veronica

                                                                                                                    SHADE PERENNIALS    Aegopodium - Erythronium  |  Ferns - Polemonium  |  Polygonatum - Vinca

                                                                                                                    SILVER FOLIAGE PERENNIALS    Achillea - Cerastium    |    Cornus - Limonium    |    Lunaria - Veronica

                                                                                                                    SIMPLY SPECIAL PERENNIALS    Acanthus - Saxifraga

                                                                                                                    WHITE PERENNIALS    Achillea - Iris  |  Kalimeris - Yucca

                                                                                                                    YELLOW PERENNIALS    Achillea - Hypericum  |  Inula - Verbascum

                                                                                                                    VARIEGATED-FOLIAGE PERENNIALS    Acorus - Erythronium  |  Hakonechloa - Lysimachia  |  Miscanthus - Yucca

                                                                                                                    PLANT PROFILES

                                                                                                                    Dianthus 'Tiny Rubies'  |  Geranium  |  Geum coccineum  |  Kerria japonica  |  Knautia macedonica

                                                                                                                    Paeonia tenuifolia  |  Papaver somniferum  |  Rudbeckia  |  Salvia 'East Friesland'

                                                                                                                    Trollius  |  Veronica 'Sunny Border Blue'


                                                                                                                    DIVISION - SPRING ONLY  |   DIVISION - FALL ONLY  |   DIVISION - SPRING OR FALL  |   DO NOT DIVIDE


                                                                                                                    BULBS  |   ORNAMENTAL GRASSES  |   PERENNIALS  |   SHRUBS  |   VINES


                                                                                                                    GARDENS  |   LOCAL GARDENS  |   BOTANICAL TERMINOLOGY

                                                                                                                    GARDENING BOOKS  |   NON-GARDENING
